
Welcome to the Sega AI Computer Resource!

The Sega AI Computer was a computer released by Sega of Japan in 1986 as the first computer with AI capabilities. There were plans to release the system in America as the Sega DI 8300 in 1987, but those plans were soon cancelled.

2024-03-08: Hi! I realize I haven't done much with this site in seven years (holy shit time flies), but I wanted to update this site with a major new development. The fine folks at SMS Power have released a whole bunch of information and files related to the Sega AI Computer, including many games for the system and the system ROMs. The full blog post for it can be found here! I might update this site with more information, particularly from that post. I probably won't. Depression is a bitch. But I am still alive and that's what counts! To anyone still reading this, have a nice life!